Health and Care visa UK eligibility
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All about UK Health and Care Worker Visa Application 2023 ❤️

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The United Kingdom includes countries like Scotland, Wales, North Ireland, and England. All of these are considered hugely popular by those who wish to immigrate. Aside from excellent universities and great monetary value, the UK is actually very strong in economics. That’s why everyone with any study background and job can live suitably in this country. The UK is known to be difficult in Visa permits but in this article, we plan to explain how a health and care worker can apply for a visa in Uk. UK Health and Care Worker Visa Application depends on a few things which although seem unimportant, in fact, are very vital.

If you are qualified as a worker in the medical field and have a decent background in it, then you can think of applying for a visa that not only lets you live in any of the UK countries but also will extend your visa until you get your permanent residency.

Who is called a health and care worker?

Any professional who works in the medical field is called a health and care worker. To be able to obtain a health and care worker visa one must be eligible to work with UK NHS. If you do not find yourself to be eligible to work in NHS, you can begin searching for jobs as an NHC supplier or adult social care field.

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As to explain the NHS, you should know that NHS is a service in the UK that is designed to improve, prevent or diagnose both physical and mental health problems in the UK. NHS believes that it has a duty to each and every single individual in the country and everyone under the protection of NHS must be respected with their human rights.

A brief look at UK Health and Care Worker Visa Application eligibility

As mentioned above, there are several parameters for an individual to be qualified as a health and care worker. Below are some of these parameters:

. You are a qualified doctor, nurse, professional in the health field, or an adult social care professional.

. You work in a decent health or social care company or for an acceptable employer who works in this field.

. You work for a UK citizen in a job that is accepted by the UK Home office. Your employer must be British and he must prove that he could not have found an employee like you inside of the UK.

. You have a valid job offer in the UK from an employer in the country. If by any means your job offer is expired or is invalid, you cannot apply.

. Be paid at least a minimum salary for the job you have been offered. Each year a minimum salary is set by the government in the UK. The minimum salary is the amount of income with which an individual can live comfortably in the UK.

. You speak, write, read and understand English fluently. You may need to prove your English fluency by obtaining one or more of the international English language exams.

UK Health and Care Worker Visa Application Duration

Generally, UK visas are extendable and in this case, you will be offered a 5-year visa to live and work in the UK and as the 5 years end, you can apply for an extension. After working and living in the UK for 5 complete years, you can apply for a permanent stay in this country. Although extension has its own conditions that we will go through in this article.

How can I apply for UK Health and Care Worker Visa?

First things first, you must know that the application process is thoroughly online. Depending on your current country or other similar factors you can apply in different ways. For example:

. If you live outside of the UK and are coming to the UK, you should prove your identity and your spouse and children must apply separately from you. For proving your identity you must either have a “UK Immigration: ID Check” or get a biometric residence permit.

. If you are extending your visa you must still be in the job you applied for 5 years ago or at least your new job should be in the same occupation code as it was before. If your employer is still the one who employed you 5 years ago and you still meet the salary requirements, you can apply for an extension.

. If you are switching from a different visa, your partner and children should apply separately. Your job should meet the UK Health and Care Worker Visa Application requirements and you are fluent in English.

Things you are banned from doing when applying for the UK health and care worker visa

There are several points in applying for this visa but on the other hand, you should be aware of the things you cannot do while or after you have obtained this visa:

. You cannot apply for most of the UK government benefits like public funds or State Pensions. Government has strict rules for immigrants so it will never risk the funds or similar benefits for this group.

. You are not allowed to change your employer or job as long as you need to extend your visa. In other words, you should work in the same job and the same employer whom you applied for beforehand. An exception is when you change your job but you are still in the same occupation code.

What we shared with you in short…

In the article above we introduced the countries that are included in the UK. Then we explained UK Health and Care Worker Visa Application and defined the health and care worker meaning. Following the definition, we looked at the parameters for eligibility for this visa. We counted a few of these eligibilities for you to have a clue. We discussed the steps and conditions for this application. Next, we talked about the duration of the visa once you manage to obtain it and finally we warned you about the things you cannot do while living in the UK with a health and care worker visa.

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