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The best universities in UK (England) ❤️ for international students

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Universities in Uk (England) and Great Britain have a very high scientific level and excellent educational quality. Most universities In England and Great Britain have top rankings among universities and higher education Institutions in the world.

But it should also be pointed out that the competition for entering these universities is very tight among International students and every year many foreign students apply for admission to different universities in England and Great Britain. Because studying at the best universities In the world can have many advantages and affect the candidates’ academic and career paths In the future.

Universities in the UK (England) for international students

Many international students seek good universities in the UK. In this article, we are going to explain some of the points that international students are searching for.

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How is Student life in England?

It can be said that England offers the highest academic level and educational quality among the countries in the world to University students.  If you study the history of this country, you will understand that many industry leaders and creative producers have studied In English universities.

This country is famous for the education of elite scientists, great writers, and many successful inventors. The brilliant scientific and cultural background of England has caused the creation of very beautiful historical buildings and views in this country. Many of these beautiful cultural buildings have libraries, museums, and galleries and are open to the public.

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Study at the best Universities in England

England has very old and beautiful universities. Have you ever dreamed of studying at the universities of England or Great Britain? Imagine studying in a university with long halls and high vaulted ceilings like the ones you’ve seen in Harry Potter and Hogwarts movies, walking around the green campus, and enjoying reading old books in very large and well-equipped university libraries.

We must say that the space and atmosphere of the university can play a very important role in encouraging students and inspiring them on the path of academic progress.

Undoubtedly, studying in historical and beautiful universities of England and Great Britain can create the best motivations for students. It is better to know that most universities in England and Great Britain, in addition to being superior in terms of academic levels and quality of education, have a historical very beautiful atmosphere and buildings with unique architecture.

Be with us till the end of this article to introduce you to the best Universities to study in England.

What are the Best Universities to study in England?

  • Cambridge, the best University in England

Cambridge University has one of the most Iconic and beautiful architectures in England and even in the world. This university was built in 1209 during the Middle Ages.

In addition to its very beautiful and unique architecture, Cambridge University has a very high educational quality and scientific level and is based on the ranking of the best global universities by QS, which has been ranked as one of the seventh best universities in the world in 2020.

Colleges and faculties of the University of Cambridge are located in different parts of the city. This university provides very good facilities and conditions for the advancement of academic studies and scientific achievements and skills of its students.

If you plan to continue your studies at Cambridge University, we must tell you that you have chosen one of the best universities in the world to continue your education and you will have a very successful future ahead of you.

However, to enter the University of Cambridge, you must have a very strong academic resume, so that you can succeed in the competition with other candidates who are applying for admission to this university from all over the world.

  • Oxford, the best University in England

Oxford University is the oldest English-speaking university in the world. This university was established In 1096 and is currently ranked fourth among the top universities in the world according to the QS ranking of the top universities in the world.

Oxford University has an active relationship with other top universities in the world and the students studying at this university are very active and creative.

Up to now, this university has won 69 Nobel Prizes and many famous and successful people have studied at this university. It has unique architecture and is famous for its historical and beautiful corridors. Some symbolic buildings, such as the Radcliffe Camera Library are known as symbols of knowledge and awareness in the world.

The architecture and structure of Oxford University can remind you of scenes from the Harry Potter movie.

What are the Terms of entering Oxford University?

Entering Oxford University as a foreign student can guarantee your academic and career future.

This university is known for training famous and successful scientific and cultural figures. To enter Oxford University, you must have a very strong academic resume so that you can attract the attention of foreign student recruitment officials.

However, we have to tell you that every effort you make to enter Oxford University in England and graduate from it will be compensated in the future by acquiring a lot of knowledge and skills and benefiting from a bright future.

  • Durham, the best University in England

I must say that this university is considered a newly established university compared to the age of Cambridge University and Oxford University. However, if you don’t consider the age of Cambridge and Oxford universities, this university also has one of the oldest buildings and is one of the oldest higher education centers.

Durham University was founded in 1832 and is considered one of Europe’s best experiences and historic works in the field of architecture. So that its architecture can arouse a lot of admiration.

Like the universities of Cambridge and Oxford, this university also has several colleges and faculties located in different parts of the city. One of Durham University’s colleges is located in a castle.

This castle belongs to the 11th century AD and is very old. This college has about 100 very lucky students who in addition to studying in this college live inside the castle. It should be said that Durham University was recently recognized as the 78th-best university in the world. This university provides many services to advance the academic level of its students and can benefit from the facilities provided by the university.

  • Royal Holloway, the best University in England

Founded in 1879, Royal Holloway was recognized as one of the original members of the University of London in 1900. This university is located outside the capital of England, which is the city of London.

It is located in Surrey, England. The construction of this university was completed in 1881. The architecture of this university is inspired by the Loire Valley in France.

Today, Royal Holloway University of London is considered one of the best universities in England. In addition, this university has a good ranking among the top universities in the world. According to the survey of the best universities in the world, Royal Holloway University of London was ranked 291 in the world in 2020.


As you can see, England has many excellent universities. Therefore, we suggest that before choosing the city and university, you should thoroughly study the conditions of study and things, such as the cost of studying at the university, the length of the study period, the validity of the degree awarded by the university, the cost of living in the city of the place of study, the possibility of using the facilities.

Carefully, study the welfare services of the university, such as staying in student dormitories, benefiting from study grants, allowing foreign students to work during their studies, the possibility of employment after completing their studies, etc.

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